Faculty Honored With Awards, New Chairs, Professorships at Honors Convocation
Dozens of faculty were recognized at the 2020 Faculty Honors Convocation for their achievements in teaching, research, innovation, engagement and commitment to their discipline.

Each year, UNO celebrates excellence and faculty achievement by selecting a small group from among the hundreds of scholars, educators, mentors, and leaders across campus to be recognized for their key contributions to the institution and the academy.
On Thursday, Oct. 15, UNO's 2020 Faculty Honors Convocation honored dozens of faculty with awards as the system, university, and college-level that celebrate research and creativity; mentorship; service learning; and more, as well as identifying newly-named professorships and chairs.
"Every year, UNO builds on the previous year’s successes," Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., said at the ceremony. "This is due, in no small part, to the passion and the dedication of our talented faculty."
Information on the awards, and faculty recipients, is also included below:
- Ceremony and Program
- University-Wide Awards
- Campus-Wide Faculty Awards
- College-Level Faculty Awards
- Named Chairs and Professorships
Ceremony and Program
University-Wide Awards
University-Wide Departmental Teaching Award
Department of Teacher Education
Chancellor Gold celebrated the reception of the University-Wide Departmental Teaching Award, UDTA, by the Department of Teacher Education.
The UDTA honors a department that has outstanding pride and loyalty in its dedication to the education and to the mission of its students, at the undergraduate and at the graduate level. These departments within the University of Nebraska have made a unique and highly significant contribution to the teaching effort of the university.
The Department of Teacher Education, in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, is led by Dean Nancy Edick, Ed.D., and Chair Kathy Danielson, Ed.D.
Campus-Wide Faculty Awards
Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity
Gina Ligon, Ph.D.
Department of Management, College of Business Administration
Ken Bayles, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activity, presented this award to Gina Ligon, the Jack and Stephanie Koraleski Professor of Collaboration Science in the College of Business Administration.
Ligon is also the Director of the National Counterterrorism, Innovation, Technology, and Education (NCITE) Center for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This grant, awarded in February of 2020, established UNO as the lead institution for DHS Office of University Programs’ funded research on terrorism prevention and counterterrorism research from 2020-2030. The award was the largest single grant in the University of Nebraska system history.
Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
Brian McKevitt, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Deborah Smith-Howell, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies, presented this award, which recognizes that unique relationship between a faculty member and his/her graduate students.
Brian McKevitt is a professor of Psychology and is a member of the school psychology program faculty. He earned his Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his BA in psychology from Boston College. Prior to joining the UNO faculty, he worked for six years as a school psychologist in Iowa public schools. His teaching and research interests focus on assessment, consultation, and evidence-based academic and behavioral interventions for school-age youth.
McKevitt has served as a regional trainer and consultant for school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports and has worked with several local school districts and the Nebraska Department of Education on this work. McKevitt is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a certified school psychologist in Nebraska and Iowa, and the Nebraska delegate for the National Association of School Psychologists.
Faculty Service Learning Award
Sachin Pawaskar, Ph.D.
Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, College of Information Science & Technology
Julie Dierberger, Ph.D., Paul Sather Distinguished Director of the Service Learning Academy, presented this award, which recognizes a UNO faculty member who provides experiential learning experiences by linking coursework to community impact.
Sachin Pawaskar, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Technology Fellow in the College of Information Science and Technology. His teaching focuses on relating theory to practice by creating learning experiences for his students that are centered around service learning and community engagement. As a result, Dr. Pawaskar’s ISQA classes have some form of service earning component.
He joined UNO with over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, which enables him to bring real-world experiences to his students. His community engagement led to collaboration with NU partners UNMC (WeChart), Community Engagement Partnership Initiative, as well as community partners such as Omaha Public Schools, Visiting Nurses Association, Junior Achievement, and Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office, among others. He is actively involved in empowering girls via through FitGirl Inc (EMPOWERU). Pawaskar’s applied research work has led to collaboration with DoD Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in using computational data science and visualization techniques to help identify missing service personnel from past conflicts.
Excellence in Teaching Award
Ramazan Kilinc, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Candice Batton, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, presented this award, which recognizes superior efforts, dedication, and exemplary conduct in the performance of the university’s first task: the education of its students.
Ramazan Kilinc is an associate professor of political science at UNO. His research focuses on religion and politics with a focus on the Middle East. He is the author of "Alien Citizens: State and Religious Minorities in Turkey and France" and a co-author of "Generating Generosity in Catholicism and Islam: Beliefs, Institutions and Public Goods Provision." His teaching philosophy is rooted in the premise of fostering student engagement in politics as responsible and thoughtful citizens.
Kilinc has taught a diverse array of courses that included introductory level political science courses, upper-level courses on Middle East Politics, service-learning courses, a study abroad course, and an honors colloquium. He is also the director of the UNO Islamic Studies Program and the editor of Siyasa, a blog focusing on politics of the Middle East and the Muslim world.
Faculty Excellence in Engagement Award
Mark Celinscak, Ph.D.
Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences
Sara Woods, M.P.A., Executive Associate to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Engagement and Director of the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center, presented the inaugural edition of this award, which recognizes outstanding achievement in either global or community engagement.
Mark Celinscak is the Louis and Frances Blumkin Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the Executive Director of the Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy. He is a historian of twentieth-century Britain and Europe, specializing in war, Holocaust, and genocide studies.
Celinscak is the author of the award-winning Distance from the Belsen Heap: Allied Forces and the Liberation of a Nazi Concentration Camp. He serves on the executive committee of the Consortium of Higher Education Centers for Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Studies as its treasurer. Celinscak was a Pearl Resnick Postdoctoral Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He has held fellowships at the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies; the Ray Wolpow Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity; the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University; and the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide.
College-Level Faculty Awards
Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award
Sacha Kopp, Ph.D., Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, presented the 2020 UNO Alumni Association Alumni Outstanding Teaching Awards. These awards recognize faculty for their teaching and commitment to student success. The awards were established in 1997 and, since then, have been awarded to more than 200 faculty.
Each year, nine faculty are recognized for their teaching and commitment to student success. Recipients are selected through a competitive process by a committee of their peers in each college.
This year's recipients are:
College of Arts and Sciences
- Alecia Anderson
- Kristin Girten
- Jennifer Harbour
College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Kelly Gomez Johnson
College of Business Administration
Angelika Stout
College of Public Affairs and Community Service
Samantha Clinkinbeard
College of Information Science & Technology
Ryan Schuetzler
College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media
Howard Paine
UNL College of Engineering
Michelle Eble-Hankins
Named Chairs and Professorships
James R. Schumacher Chair of Ethics
Erin Bass, Ph.D.
Department of Management, College of Business Administration
Todd Richardson, Ph.D.
Goodrich Scholarship Program, College of Public Affairs and Community Service
D.B. and Paula Varner Professorship
Sara Myers, Ph.D.
Department of Biomechanics, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Angela Eikenberry, Ph.D.
School of Public Administration, College of Public Affairs and Community Service
Albert W. and Helen J. Jefferis Chair of English Literature
Lisabeth Buchelt, Ph.D.
Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences
Distinguished Alumni Professorship of Accounting
Xiaoyan Cheng, Ph.D.
School of Accounting, College of Business Administration
Haddix Community Chair in Science
Christine Cutucache, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Hollie Bethel Professor of Education
Kathleen Danielson, Ph.D.
Department of Teacher Education, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
The John Morgan Community Chair in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Franchising
Dale Eesley, Ph.D.
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, College of Business Administration
Cheryl Prewett Diamond Professorship
Yuliya Lierler, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science, College of Information Science & Technology
Blizek Professor in Religion
John Lyden, Ph.D.
Department of Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor of Information Science & Technology
William Mahoney, Ph.D.
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics, College of Information Science & Technology
William C. Hockett Diamond Professorship
Jennifer Riley, Ph.D.
School of Accounting, College of Business Administration
Professor Robert Ackerman Faculty Fellow of Community Engagement
Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, Ph.D.
Department of Teacher Education, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
UNO Distinguished Community Research Chair in Biomechanics
Nikolaos Stergiou, Ph.D.
Department of Biomechanics, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor of Information Science & Technology
Mahadevan Subramaniam, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science, College of Information Science & Technology
Isaacson Professorship
Kristine Swain, Ph.D.
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Sophie and Feodora Kahn Professorship in Biology
William Tapprich, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
About the University of Nebraska at Omaha
Located in one of America’s best cities to live, work and learn, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) is Nebraska’s premier metropolitan university. With more than 15,000 students enrolled in 200-plus programs of study, UNO is recognized nationally for its online education, graduate education, military friendliness and community engagement efforts. Founded in 1908, UNO has served learners of all backgrounds for more than 100 years and is dedicated to another century of excellence both in the classroom and in the community.
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