Welcome to UNO Parking and Transit Services!
Purchase UNO Parking Permits Online | MavPark
To purchase UNO parking permits, visit MavPark, our online portal. You will need your license plate state and number, as well as your vehicle VIN, year, make, model, and color.
Carpool Permit Limits | August 29
Carpool permits are nearing their limits for the 24-25 year. Once these limits have been reached, carpool permits will no longer be available for purchase, and further applications may be denied as a result. Please direct any questions to unoparking@unomaha.edu or call 402.554-7275.
Update 8/30/24 4:00 PM: Student and Faculty/Staff carpool permits have sold out.
Garage Permit Limits | August 23
Both the East Garage and the West Garage are nearing their limits of allotted permits available for the 24-25 year. Once reached, they will no longer be available for purchase. Please direct questions to unoparking@unomaha.edu 402.554.7275.
Update 8/26/24 3:37 AM: Student Commuter West Garage permits are sold out.
Update 8/25/24 8:10 PM: Student Commuter East Garage permits are sold out.
Update 8/23/24 10:19 AM: Faculty/Staff West Garage permits are sold out.