Online Distance Education (DE) Exams are proctored for Faculty who have made arrangements for this service with the Testing Center. All exams will be administered at the UNO Testing Center located (522 Kayser Hall).
Students will need to register for their DE Exam testing appointment via MavLINK. Registration instructions can be found on the DE (Online Distance Education Exams) For Students web page.
Student scheduled testing appointments will be at the Testing Center for your exams within the date window you establish. The maximum window for an exam will be 5 days. All DE Exams will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. on the scheduled testing window dates. Exams will not be scheduled when the Testing Center is not open. Please share the dates for your exam(s) with your class.
Students will be able to schedule a time to take your exam within the approved date/time window. If a student schedules an appointment prior to or at the last time allowed in the registration system, they will have enough time to complete your exam prior to the Testing Center closing for the day if they are on time for their testing appointment. If they check in later than the times noted, they will not be able to take the exam.
If a student contacts the Testing Center to schedule the exam outside the testing window dates allowed, there will be a $15.00 fee payable to UNO Testing Center prior to taking the exam. They will have to contact you to open the exam prior to scheduling a time to take the exam at the Testing Center. You will need to inform the Testing Center that the student is approved to take the exam outside the originally scheduled date window.
The UNO Testing Center reserves the right to make changes to the guidelines at any time.
Faculty will need to Enroll and Submit their exam information through the Testing Center Registration System Professor Module. Please follow the steps below to enroll and submit your exam information.
Download Printable Instructions
Enroll in the Professor Module
Enroll through this URL:
- You only need to enroll one time.
Create your user ID (UNO email address) and Password (8 characters, at least 1 lower case letter, 1 upper case letter, and 1 special character). Wait until you receive an email noting that your enrollment is approved before submitting exam information.
Submit Exams in the Professor Module
Use the Professor Module to Submit Exams through this URL:
- Bookmark this URL for easy access during future use.
Log in using your UNO email address, and the password you created when you enrolled, and click “SIGN IN” to get started.
To begin your exam submission, look to the top right of the Submission Page and click on the blue circle with a white plus sign. Then, go through all the steps detailed below.
- Submission Name: Please put the exam Submission Name in the following format. Course Name, Department Abbreviation, Course Number-Section Number, Exam Name (ex. Intro. to Psychology PSYC 1010-8201 Midterm Exam)
- Select the exam group for this exam: by clicking in the text box and selecting the appropriate group from the drop-down menu that identifies the type of exam and your department. (ex. Online Distance Education (DE) Exams > Psychology)
- Start Date: Put the first date your student can take the exam. This date must be a minimum of 24 hours after the date/time of your submission to allow the Testing Center time to process your submission and allow the student to register before they come in to take the exam.
- End Date: Put the last date you will allow your students to take the exam. All tests should be submitted with a window of test dates because we cannot guarantee seating on a specific date or time. Reminder: The Testing Center must have all exams completed by 4:30 P.M. M-F and we are not open the weekend.
- Time Restriction: Click on Time Restriction if you want to enter specific start and end times to your exam. Leave it blank if you have no restrictions. Reminder: The Testing Center must have all exams completed by 4:30 P.M. M-F
- Allotted Minutes: Enter the time in minutes (not hours) that the student is allowed to use for the exam.
Click NEXT
- If needed, submit any digital files to your exam submission by uploading here.
Click NEXT
- Is this an Online or Paper Exam?
- Is a Scantron Sheet needed for this exam?
- Is this an Open or Closed Book Exam?
- What type of Notes can be used for this exam?
- Can Scratch Paper be used for this exam?
- Can a Calculator be used for this exam?
- Are specific Materials Needed for this exam?
- How would you like the exam returned to you?
Click NEXT
- List any other exam instructions you have for your exam that you had not already provided while completing this Professor Exam Submission.
You may CLONE (copy) any Exam Submission you have previously submitted by:
- Log in to the Professor Module to Submit Tests through the URL provided.
- On the Submissions page, hover over the three black dots.
- Select Clone from the choices.
- Go into the Submission that you just cloned (copied) and is open on the page.
- Edit the Submission Name by removing the words “Clone of” in front of the Name.
- Edit any other exam information by scrolling through each section and changing the information as needed.
If you have any questions, please contact the Testing Center at 402.554.4800 or