Interactive Map Shows Examples of UNO's Impact On Nebraska
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The University of Nebraska at Omaha’s (UNO’s) impact on Nebraska goes far beyond the greater Omaha area. Some examples of UNO’s involvement throughout Nebraska are highlighted on this new, interactive map.
Different areas throughout the map are highlighted to show how UNO is partnering with communities to help grow the state of Nebraska.
From the Panhandle to the Missouri River, Mavericks are helping advance the state by improving business growth, STEM programs, city services, access to quality childcare, and so much more.
Click through the interactive map, created by UNO Geography/Geology Coordinator Paul Hunt, and learn more about what UNO and our active alumni have done for our state.
UNO is very proud of our Maverick students who come from 78 counties in Nebraska as well as our network of more than 50,000 UNO alumni living in the state and 100,000 around the world.
The interactive map will be regularly updated to share new stories of collaboration and partnership between UNO and our state.
Map: Examples of UNO's Statewide Impact
Featured on the Map and UNO Home Page:
Rachelle McPhillips, who graduated from UNO’s nationally ranked, fully online Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies Program with a concentration in library sciences, is the adult and young adult services librarian at the Columbus Public Library in Columbus, Nebraska.