'Show the O' Gets New Look
Since February 2013, 'Show the O' flags have made it to every continent and every state.
- published: 2018/11/05
- contact: Anthony Flott - Alumni Association
- phone: 402.504.3341
- email: aflott@unoalumni.org
- search keywords:
- Alumni Association
- Flag
- Travel

Even a website can get a bit tired — especially when it hosts thousands of travelers from around the world.
Given that, the UNO Alumni Association has rebooted the popular website ShowtheO.com, originally launched in February 2013 to promote what then was a new UNO brand, the “O” campus icon. The association provided “O” flags to graduates, students, faculty, staff and others to pose with during pictures taken on travels or at home.
Show the O flags since have made it to every continent and every state. The website has logged more than 20,000 visits and 57,000 page views from nearly 14,000 visitors representing 129 countries.
With all that travel, the association determined it was time to refresh the site and the program.
The reboot was led by staff and students at The Attic, the College of IS&T’s mobile app and website development group. Leading the charge were Zac Fowler, Attic director and a 2003 graduate, staff member Kara Kammerer and student Gus deMayo. The group implemented changes including:
- Streamlined processes for visitors to request a free “O” flag and to post photos
- A new emphasis on storytelling to accompany photo submissions
- Branding more closely allied to university standards
- A robust search function visitors can use to find archived photos by location, name or keyword
- New functionality to share individual photos via social media and email
- A quick-loading photo gallery that contains all photos dating back to the site’s launch in 2013.
To get your free “O” flag, and to check out the site updates, visit ShowtheO.com today!