Access to Blackboard Ended on June 30, 2018
On June 30, Blackboard was completely phased out and Canvas is now the single Learning Management System here at UNO.
- contact: Office of Digital Learning
- search keywords:
- Canvas
- Learning Management System
- Digital Learning

As you may be aware, and have experienced over the past year, UNO has made the transition from Blackboard to Canvas.
On June 30, Blackboard was completely phased out and Canvas is now the single Learning Management System here at UNO.
If you did not download and store papers, projects, and assignments to another location prior to the phasing out of Blackboard, we are no longer able to retrieve them.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the UNO Help Desk at:
- Call or Email
402.554.4357 or - In-Person
Visit the Help Desk in the Eppley Administration Building, Room 104, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.