Flag Lowering for Sacha Kopp
The UNO flag will be lowered on Monday, Aug. 26.
- published: 2024/08/23
- contact: Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications
- email:Â unonews@unomaha.edu
- search keywords:
- flag lowering
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) flag will be lowered on Monday, Aug. 26, in memory of Sacha Kopp, former senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, who recently passed away. Read the full obituary.
About Sacha
Sacha started his career at UNO on June 17, 2019, and left the university on June 5, 2022.
He was preceded in death by his dad Jay P. Kopp and his godparents, Tom and Theresa Auge. He is survived by his mother Anita and her partner Rosemarie Bucher, Jay's wife Jane Giellis, Sacha's spouse Gretchen Olson Kopp, his children Eleanor and Eli, and his dear friend Simon.