Flag Lowering for Andris Skreija
The UNO flag will be lowered on Wednesday, Aug. 7, in memory of retiree Andris Skreija.
- published: 2024/08/06
- contact: Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications
- email:Â unonews@unomaha.edu
- search keywords:
- flag lowering
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) flag will be lowered on Wednesday, Aug. 7, in memory of UNO retiree Andris Skreija, who recently passed away. The thoughts and condolences of the university community are with Andris’ loved ones during this time.
About Andris
Andris started his career at UNO on Sept. 1, 1969. He retired from his role as Associate Professor of Sociology on Sept. 1, 2011. Andris was later named Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. No obituary is available at this time.