Conflict of Interest Disclosures Required for all External Funding
In anticipation of regulations surrounding conflict of interest, ORCA will begin requiring FCOI disclosures from senior and key personnel on proposals submitted to all external agencies.
- published: 2018/12/06
- contact: Katy Vitale - Office of Research and Creative Activity
- phone: 402.554.2286
- email:
- search keywords:
- Office of Research and Creative Activity
- Financial Conflict of Interest

Earlier this year, in an effort to simplify the disclosure and record-keeping process, the Office of Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) launched a new module in MavGrants wherein all Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) disclosures will be made on an annual basis. These disclosures have been made and stored in the Interest and Activity Management module of MavGrants. To date, these disclosures are mandated by law for all Public Health Service (PHS) funding.
In anticipation of the shifting regulations surrounding conflict of interest, we will begin requiring FCOI disclosures from senior and key personnel on proposals submitted to all external agencies. The disclosure will be required at application time and will be facilitated through the IAM module. All named project personnel will be contacted by ORCA to complete this disclosure.
We appreciate your cooperation with this change in process and welcome questions or comments to Brenda Kolobara at