The Maverick Minute | Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women
Chancellor Gold talks with Dr. Mary Perkinson, co-chair of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women.

The Maverick Minute is a video series featuring Chancellor Jeff Gold interviewing members of the UNO community. In this edition, Chancellor Gold talks with Dr. Mary Perkinson, co-chair of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women.
The Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women Luncheon took place on Feb. 27 and celebrated the accomplishments and contributions of Maverick women; Serena Moore, Dr. DeeDee Bennett, Chelle McIntyre-Brewer and Amelia Tangeman.
Full Transcript
Chancellor Gold:
Hello, I'm Jeff Gold. And welcome to another Maverick Minute. I have an incredible honor today of being joined by Professor Mary Perkinson of our college and professor of Music. But more importantly today, Mary serves as the co-chair, faculty co-chair of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women. Mary, thanks so much for being with us today.
Dr. Perkinson:
Thank you for having me.
Chancellor Gold:
So we just participated in the annual CCSW Luncheon, and it was just a remarkable opportunity to look out to a huge audience of very engaged members of the UNO family. Can you tell us a little bit about the planning and why this event was so important to the CCSW?
Dr. Perkinson:
Sure. So our annual awards luncheon has been taking place for 30 years. And it's really an opportunity for all of UNO to come together from various departments and units and to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of faculty, students, and to honor our legendary woman. So in a nutshell it's a incredibly powerful way to celebrate women at UNO. So both the history and the future. So I really love the fact that this was a blend of faculty staff and students, and that they had such exemplary young ladies to nominate and then to receive these awards.
Chancellor Gold:
Would you tell us a little bit about the student awardee, because I thought she was really amazing.
Dr. Perkinson:
Right, Serena Moore, who became pregnant as a freshman or sophomore at UNO, went on to have her child and proceeded to stay enrolled as a full-time student, and remained on the dean's list, and eventually had a 4.0 GPA this semester after giving birth. And so for her, it was really a personal achievement of feeling that as a student, she could really achieve her very best even though she was dealing with so much outside of the academic classroom. And so with the support she received from faculty and staff and mentors here at UNO, it empowered her to want to begin the CRANE Foundation, caring resourceful environment for other mothers, expecting mothers, or mothers at UNO, so they felt like they had the same kind of support that she received as a student.
Chancellor Gold:
Well it was really nice because she was here with her family and of course her child which was particularly poignant I thought.
Dr. Perkinson:
Right, and I thought that her little one year old was about to accept the award for her. It was just adorable. And Serena is so proud of her accomplishments and her family. And it was just such a privilege to be able to give her that award. And she is such a great role model for others, and not just for women frankly, but anybody who really is overcoming challenges and adversity, and to be as successful as she has been. I've met her on several occasions in the past, and she is truly a remarkable young lady. She's an inspiration.
Chancellor Gold:
Absolutely. So if members of our audience want more information on the CCSW, the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women, how would they find out?
Dr. Perkinson:
So you can go to our website, CCSW on the UNO website. And we also have a upcoming informational meeting for prospective members on March 14th at noon. So we'll have some late refreshments, and you're welcome to RSVP by March 6th. And you can find that RSVP on our website as well.
Chancellor Gold:
Great. Well, Mary, thank you so much for everything that you do and your colleagues. And thank you for being with us today on this Maverick Minute.