Faculty Research Awards
An event developed to recognize the efforts of faculty pursuing external funding.
- contact: Sophia Potter - Office of Research and Creative Activity
- phone: 402.554.2286
- email: unoorca@unomaha.edu

On Feb. 8, 2018, the Office of Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) held its first ever Faculty Research Awards Event. The event was developed to recognize the efforts of faculty pursuing external funding. Over 40 faculty and staff attended the event which included awards from serious to amusing such as “Longest Title” to “Most in advance of submission deadline”.
The full list of award winners can be found below. Congratulations to the award winners!
First Time Award Recipients
The following received their first external funding award as UNO project directors this past year.
Gaylene Armstrong - School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Jodi Benenson - School of Public Administration
Aretha Boex - Nebraska Business Development Center
David Boocker - College of Arts & Sciences-Dean’s Office
Tara Bryan - School of Public Administration
Juan Casas - Office of Latino/Latin American Studies
Kathy Coufal - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Kathryn Dempsey - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Shari DeVeney - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Washington Garcia - School of Music
Jason Heppler - Criss Library Archives & Special Collections
Curtis Hutt - Religious Studies
Wei Jing - Nebraska Business Development Center
Tammie Kennedy - English
Miriam Kuhn - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Md Mahbubul Majumder - Mathematics
Elaine Marie Nelson - History
Abhishek Parakh - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Steve Rodie - Biology
Christine Wilcoxen - College of Education-Dean’s Office
Ryan Wong - Biology
Jorge Zuniga Ulloa - Biomechanics
Special Award Recipients
The Office of Research and Creative Activity recognizes the following project directors for proposal related awards:
LONGEST TITLE - Jeffrey French (Psychology)
“UNM Subcontract: RII Track-2 FEC: Developmental Chronnecto-Genomics (Dev-CoG): A Next Generation Frame-work for Quantifying Brain Dynamics and Related Genetic Factors in Childhood”
LARGEST AWARD AMOUNT - Jerome Deichert (Center for Public Affairs Research)
“Transit Project” (With Yu-Che Chen, David Drozd, Melanie Kiper, and Jooho Lee)
“NASA Nebraska EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Program FY 2015-2017”
SHORTEST LONG TITLE - Tie: Anne Hobbs (School of Criminology & Criminal Justice) and Roni ReiterPalmon (Psychology)
“STOP Plan” (Hobbs) and “GA for C1C” (Reiter-Palmon)
LONGEST SHORT TITLE - Magie Hall (School of Interdisciplinary Informatics)
“Noninclusion impact healthdisparity”
MOST SUB CONTRACTORS - Scott Tarry (Aviation Institute) 117 sub contractors
“Space Grant FY15-FY17 Augmentation”
LARGEST NUMBER OF PRIMARY INVESTIGATORS - Tie: Peter Szto (Grace Abbott School of Social Work) and Jong-Hoon Youn (Computer Science)
“Project NETWORK” (Peter Szto, Sandy Cook-Fong, Jerome Deichert, David Drozd, Susan Feyen-Reay, and Konnie Kirchner)
“RET Site: Wearable Research for In-service STEM Teachers (WRIST)” (Jong-Hoon Youn, Michelle Friend, Yuliya Lierler, Briana Morrison, Harvey Siy, and Qiuming Zhu)
FASTEST ROUTER - Elaine Marie Nelson (History)
42 minutes
“John Trudell Lecture in Native American History” (Signed by John Grigg and David Boocker)
MOST IN ADVANCE OF SUBMISSION DEADLINE - Douglas Derrick (School of Interdisciplinary Informatics)
44 days early “Legacy System Redesign Phase III”
Fiscal Year 2017 Project Directors
The following project directors were awarded external funding this past fiscal year:
Chris Allen - UNO Television
Joe Allen - Psychology
Gaylene Armstrong - School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Dhundy Bastola - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Kerry Beldin - Grace Abbott School of Social Work
Jodi Benenson - School of Public Administration
Robert Bernier - Nebraska Business Development Center
Jill Blankenship - Biology
Aretha Boex - Nebraska Business Development Center
David Boocker - College of Arts & Sciences - Dean's Office
Tara Bryan - School of Public Administration
Dana Buckingham - KVNO
Sarah Burke - Student Affairs
Rex Cammack - Geography/Geology
Juan Casas - Office of Latino/Latin American Studies
Yu-Che Chen - School of Public Administration
Mel Clancy - Project Achieve
Jason Coleman - School of Health & Kinesiology
Kathy Coufal - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Christine Cutucache - Biology
Raj Dasgupta - Computer Science
Paul H. Davis - Biology
Jerome Deichert - Center for Public Affairs Research
Kathryn Dempsey - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Douglas Derrick - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Shari DeVeney - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Arthur Diamond - Economics
Kenneth Dick - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Danae Dinkel - School of Health & Kinesiology
Veronica Doga - Nebraska Business Development Center
Sarah Edwards - Teacher Education
Angela Eikenberry - School of Public Administration
Zac Fowler - College of Information Science & Technology - Dean's Office
Jeffrey French - Psychology
Ann Fruhling - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Robin Gandhi - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Washington Garcia - School of Music
Matt Germonprez - Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis
Dario Ghersi - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Nealy Grandgenett - Teacher Education
Matt Hale - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Magie Hall - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Jeanette Harder - Grace Abbott School of Social Work
Jason Heppler - Criss Library Archives & Special Collections
Anne Hobbs - School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Curtis Hutt - Religious Studies
Sofia Jawed-Wessel - School of Health & Kinesiology
Wei Jing - Nebraska Business Development Center
Jeremy Johnson - School of the Arts
Tammie Kennedy - English
Deepak Khazanchi - College of Information Science & Technology - Dean's Office
Ramazan Kilinc - Political Science
Brian Knarr - Biomechanics
Alan Kolok - Biology
Alexey Krasnoslobodtsev - Physics
Miriam Kuhn - Special Education & Communication Disorders
Natasa Kyvelidou - Biomechanics
Thomas Lawson - NARI Cyber Physical Systems
Gina Ligon - Marketing & Management
Jeremy Lipschultz - College of Fine Arts & Media - Dean's Office
Guoqing Lu - Biology
Lilly Lu - School of the Arts
Pete Madsen - School of Music
William Mahoney - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Md Mahbubul Majumder - Mathematics
Julie Masters - Gerontology
Sheryl McGlamery - Teacher Education
Patrick McNamara - International Studies & Programs - Dean's Office
Sara Myers - Biomechanics
Elaine Marie Nelson - History
Abhishek Parakh - School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
Rebecca Pasco - Teacher Education
Roni Reiter-Palmon - Psychology
Brian Ricks - Computer Science
Steve Rodie - Biology
Jim A. Rogers - Mathematics
Adam Rosen - School of Health & Kinesiology
Vincent Salerno - Public Safety
Harold Sargus - Nebraska Business Development Center
Dustin Slivka - School of Health & Kinesiology
Ryan Spohn - Nebraska Center for Justice Research
Benjamin Steiner - School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Nikolaos Stergiou - Biomechanics
Rose Strasser - Psychology
Bill Swanson - Executive MBA Program
Andrew Swift - Mathematics
Peter Szto - Grace Abbott School of Social Work
Kota Takahashi - Biomechanics
William Tapprich - Biology
Scott Tarry - Aviation Institute
James Taylor - Peter Kiewit Institute
Jamie Wagner - Center for Economic Education
Jean Waters - Nebraska Business Development Center
Jeremy White - Biology
Christina Wilcoxen - College of Education - Dean's Office
L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger - Biology
Ryan Wong - Biology
Sara Woods - Community Engagement Center
Jenna Yentes - Biomechanics
Richard Yoder - Nebraska Business Development Center
Jong-Hoon Youn - Computer Science
Jorge Zuniga Ulloa - Biomechanics