Reminder to Transition to Canvas
It is very important not to wait until just before classes start in August to get started with Canvas.
- contact: Jaci Lindburg - Digital Learning
- phone: 402.554.2020
- email:
- search keywords:
- Blackboard
- Canvas
- transition

As many of you may know, the conversion from Blackboard to Canvas has been full steam ahead for the past year. The Digital Learning team has been assisting faculty in moving course materials, and at this point more than four out of five courses have made the move to Canvas.
This is a reminder, as the spring semester wraps up, that the urgency to move is now. If you haven't already done so, please begin transitioning your materials from Blackboard to Canvas, as all Summer 2018 courses will be exclusively using Canvas.
It is very important not to wait until just before classes start in August to get started with Canvas, as you will not have access to your Blackboard course materials when you return from the summer break since our Blackboard system expires June 30. As a reminder, there has been and continues to be a plethora of resources for assisting faculty in this transition, including:
- 1-on-1 and/or Departmental Sessions: A 1x1 or department-specific training can be arranged by appointment. In addition to business-day on-campus appointments, evening and virtual appointments are available if that is what works best for faculty.
- Workshops: A number of training sessions are held each month, open to any interested faculty. Upcoming workshops listed here.
- Drop-In Hours: Drop by Criss Library between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each Friday, work on your classes, and get your questions answered as they arise.
- Virtual: A six-week, self-paced “Explore Canvas at UNO: Online Edition” virtual training program is available. Upcoming sessions begin April 2 and May 7. Register Online here.
- “Move My Course” Form: The Digital Learning team will move your course materials from Blackboard to Canvas for you, should you make that request. In order to make this happen, a faculty member simply needs to complete this form.
- New workshop training sessions: are being added each month, so be sure to check the MavDaily and our Canvas website.
As a reminder, a campus-wide Canvas pilot took place at UNO in 2016-17 and a Task Force recommended the switch to Canvas as UNO’s official learning management system. A transition plan was put into place allowing faculty to move courses out of Blackboard during the 2017-18 academic year. In a survey at the conclusion of the Canvas pilot, a majority of UNO faculty and students indicated that they preferred Canvas over Blackboard. Read more about the transition to canvas here.
Dr. Jaci Lindburg, Director of Digital Learning, can be contacted for more information or assistance at or 402.554.2020.