All new international students must participate in international student orientation, including those transferring from another U.S. school and those moving from ILUNO to UNO.
There are two parts to international orientation:

Part 1: Online Orientation
Complete the online orientation course in your Canvas account. Students complete the online orientation after they are admitted to a UNO program.

Part 2: In-Person Orientation at UNO
Register for International Orientation: In MavLINK, click the "Orientation Signup" link in the “Admissions” drop-down menu. Follow the instructions for international orientation registration.
Spring 2025 In-Person Orientation
The orientation event will be held Thursday, January 16.
Report to the Milo Bail Student Center Nebraska Room between 8:00-9:30 AM. The program will start at 9:30 and continue through 5 PM.
More information will be emailed to all new students. The day will include presentations, lunch, technology assistance, and a campus tour.
Email orientation@unomaha.edu
Additional Events
18 January: Details for the trip to Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo will be sent to new students through email.
Intensive English (ILUNO) Orientation
Visit Getting Started in ILUNO for orientation information.
Undergraduate Students
Your academic advisor will guide your first-semester class enrollment and help create a successful plan for your time at UNO.
Advisors offer appointments via phone or video conference. Find your program or area of study and schedule an appointment online.
After meeting with your advisor, enroll in classes as soon as possible through MavLINK to secure your course choices. As an international undergraduate student, you must enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester.
Graduate Students
Contact the graduate program advisor for your specific program. Once you meet with your advisor, enroll in courses as soon as possible through MavLINK.
International graduate students have a minimum of nine credit hours per semester.
J-1 Exchange Students
Email Education Abroad for course enrollment.
ILUNO Students
Visit the Getting Started with ILUNO page for enrollment information.
Placement Exams
Contact your academic advisors for program requirements to see if placement exams are needed. Additional information can be found on the Testing Center site.
View information about placement in English Composition Courses for international students through IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEFLiBT Scores.
View information about placement in Math Courses.
View information about placement in Chemistry courses.
ILUNO Students
Visit Getting Started with ILUNO for placement exam information.
Join the UNO International Students Community
Join Community to start chatting with other students and connecting with your classmates! Create an account with Unibuddy and get connected.
UNO Unibuddy Community