Dedicated to informing currently serving military members on the benefits and guidance of utilizing Military Tuition Assistance (TA) for each branch of service (USA, USAF, NAVY, USMC, USCG).
Please note that UNO is not the approving authority for Military Tuition Assistance, please work with your respective education services office prior to enrolling to ensure eligibility and availability of education benefits.
The following sections will provide important information and guides to successfully creating and submitting your tuition assistance requests.
Air Force Guide
First Time TA User
Create an AFVEC account (Will need your CAC).
Attend a TA brief.
Complete Assessment (Kuder).
Create your educational goal.
If you have not completed the steps above, please contact your base education representatives.
Requesting TA (Must be enrolled in classes prior to requesting TA)
Step 1: Log into AFVEC.
Step 2: Verify and update personal information in "My Personal Data" link.
Step 3: Verify your servicing education center is correct.
Step 4: Select the "My Self Service Apps" and then "Apply for TA." Follow the step-by-step procedure. Course information can be added via the database or manually using "Add Course Form" at the top of the course selection page.*
* To view online tuition rates change the course location via the location dropdown menu and select DL/Online.
Step 5: Verfiy enrollment information by logging into MavLink to ensure your course information is correct. For example, course code ENGL 1160, number of credits for the course, start and end date of each, and the location either online or on-campus.
Step 6: It is the Airman's responsibility that their TA requests are approved in AFVEC by continually checking AFVEC messages for confirmation of supervisor and education service approval.
- Military TA deadlines
- CCAF Degree Audit (Unofficial Transcript)
- Select "My Graduation Requirements" tile, this will take a minute to load your document.
- Then "Export PDF" at the bottom right of the window.
ArmyIgnited Guide
Deadlines: Soldiers must apply for TA no earlier than 60 days and no later than 7 days before their class start date. Additionally, Army Education Centers are no longer authorized to manually delete courses from your TAR, please inform our office if/when you drop a course TA is paying for.
The Army released an ArmyIgnitED 2.0 Guide for the updated system, please refer to this document to setup your account and complete your education goal.
Step 1: Create an Account.
Step 2: Submit an Education Goal.
Step 3: Once approved, you will be able to submit TA requests. Incoming and current ArmyIgnitED students should contact their Education Center and our office on Offutt AFB for help with this new system.
Step 4: Verify enrollment information by logging into MavLink to ensure your course information is correct, For example, course code ENGL 1160, number of credits for the course, start and end date of each, and the location either online or on-campus.*
Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Guide
Requesting TA for Navy
Step 1: Follow the TA and NCPACE steps to submit and generate your TA Authorization/Voucher form by going to the Navy College Program (NCP) website.
The website will provide additional information such as an overview, command approval requirements, sailor responsibilities, and more.
Please ensure your TA request includes the complete course code. For example, GEOL-1100 and not GEOL or 1100 separately. This helps generate an accurate invoice.
Important deadlines for TA:
You have up to 120 days before your classes start to submit your authorization form. NCP strongly recommends TA is submitted and command approved at least 30 days in advance via MyNavy Education.
However, all TA authorization forms must be submitted/approved no later than 14 days before the term start date.
Step 2: Once you have a submitted and approved TA authorization/voucher form, send a copy of that form to so we can forward it to invoicing. Include your NUID in the email and remove any SSNs, if applicable.
NOTE: There will be a reminder email sent from UNO Offutt to all personnel using Navy TA to send your forms to us. We will only be able to see those who have been approved.
For assistance with MyNavy, visit: Navy College Assistance Center.
Requesting TA for Marine Corps
Step 1: There are Education webpages that Marines can use to help with account creation and TA submission. The example website provided below is for Marines stationed in San Diego (Marines can change their location in the upper right corner of the webpage)
Step 2: Contact the Voluntary Education Center to receive your education counseling in person or by phone.
Step 3: Submit TA requests through WebTA Portal.
Step 4: Send your approved TA voucher to to be forwarded to invoicing. Include your NUID in the email and remove any SSNs, if applicable.
NOTE: MCCS advises you to start your TA applications no later than 60 days before the term start date.
Visit the Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) website for additional information.
Requesting TA for Coast Guard
Step 1: Visit your Education Office to discuss your education path, they will also help you determine how to submit your TA requests.
Step 2: Submit TA requests through MyCG Ed for approval.
Step 3: Log back into MyCG Ed to download a copy of your TA authorization.
Step 3: Send your approved TA authorization or CG-4147 to to be forwarded to invoicing. Include your NUID in the email and remove any SSNs, if applicable.
NOTE: Coast Guard recommends you submit your TA application to your Command Approver up to 90 days but no later than 14 days before the term start date.
State Tuition Assistance Guide
1. Nebraska National Guard members may apply for State Tuition Assistance within 60 days prior to course start date, but no later than 5 business days prior to course start date.
2. In order to be considered for the State Tuition Assistance application approval process, the online tuition assistance application MUST be received by the State Tuition Office no later than the specified approval dates for which tuition assistance is requested.
3. After submitting your online State Tuition Assistance application, you wiII receive a confirmation email verifying your application has been submitted and received by the State Tuition Office. SAVE THIS EMAIL FOR YOUR RECORDS!
4. TAG tuition approval authority MAY approve a one-time exception to policy for missed deadlines of any timetable/suspense date. This will be done to accommodate unforeseen emergencies which will result in late action. Note: Late applications will NOT be considered once the term has started. This policy will be strictly enforced and no additional exceptions will be granted.
5. After online applications have been processed, student will receive notification by email of approval or disapproval from the State Tuition Office.
6. All Nebraska National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who are approved for tuition assistance will provide the State Tuition Office with an accurate list of classes. This information can be emailed to the State Tuition Office ( at any time after student has received his/her email approval BUT no later than 10 days following the start of the term/semester/session. Failure to provide this information will result in the loss of approval of the requested tuition assistance and the student will be required to pay for charged tuition costs.
7. In no case will tuition assistance be paid by the Nebraska Military Department for more hours than were originally approved for the term.
Additional Eligibility Requirements
I certify that I understand and will abide by the Laws and Regulations pertaining to the Nebraska National Guard Tuition Assistance Program contained in R.R.S 85-505 through 85-508 and NEARNG Reg 621-10 and NEANG Reg 213-10. I also authorize the school to release academic information to the Nebraska Military Department as it applies to me. (NOTE: Click here to read the regulation)
By clicking here to Apply for State Tuition Assistance (to apply for classes), you are acknowledging you have read and understand NEARNG Reg 621-10 and NEANG Reg 213-10, and consent to be bound by and are becoming a party to this agreement.
Username: the initials of your full name (3 initials) + last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
Password: goguard