Leadership In Public Service Minors
We offer 3 Leadership in Public Service Minors; these are crucial for the future of our students and our community:
- Cross-Sector Collaborative Leadership
- Nonprofit Management
- Public Administration
Watch this quick video to learn more about each of the Leadership in Public Service Minors.
Collaborative Leadership Minor & NextGen Leadership Corp
The Collaborative Leadership Minor and NextGen Leadership Corps prepares students to collaboratively address complex, cross-sector challenges. Students will develop their leadership skills through developing and leading a cross-sector project, collaborating with private, nonprofit, and public sectors. This is in partnership with the College of Business Administration.
Nonprofit Management Minor
The Nonprofit Management Minor allows students to develop their knowledge about the nonprofit environment and their skills on fundraising and volunteer management. The nonprofit Sector includes thousands of large and small organizations and employs 14 million people.
Public Administration Minor
The Public Administration Minor prepares students to lead and manage organizations that serve our communities at the local, state and federal levels of government. This minor is for students who want to make a difference can seek a career in public service.
Contact Information
Meagan Van Gelder, Ed.D.
402.554.3480University of Nebraska at Omaha | unomaha.edu
School of Public Administration
Senior Advisor