BootcampR Workshop
BootcampR will introduce a variety of methods and tools for working with and cleaning data; visualizing and mapping data and general programming principles; March 10.
- published: 2020/01/15
- contact: Jason Heppler - Criss Library
- phone: 402.554.5879
- email:
- search keywords:
- Criss Library

In the Spring 2020 semester, Jason A. Heppler, , Ph.D, will be teaching a six-week-long bootcamp on the R programming language. Known as BootcampR, the workshop will introduce novice and intermediate R users to a variety of methods and tools for working with and cleaning data, visualizing and mapping data, and general programming principles. Each week's module is designed to stand on its own, so R users can drop in to modules they will find most helpful. By the end of the bootcamp, attendees will understand basic principles behind effective data visualization, have a sense on why some graphs and figures work well while others may fail to inform, know how to clean, manipulate, and save datasets, and have an understanding of issues around the collection and representation of data.
View the full schedule, interactive worksheets, and additional resources.
February 11 Orientation and Setup
February 18 R Basics / Intro to the Tidyverse
February 25 Spark Joy with Data (Tidy Data in R)
March 3 Making Graphs
March 10 Visualizing Networks
March 17 Making Maps
March 31 Clustering and Classifying