Christine Burright McGuigan
Creative Writer: Turning New Pages
- published: 2018/11/07
- search keywords:
- Creative Writing
- Screenwriting

Majoring in Creative Writing (Creative Nonfiction) in the School of the Arts, Omaha native Christine Burright McGuigan’s screenplays are garnering a number of awards and attention.
A short screenplay called Mad Rush won Best Short Screenplay and Best Nebraska Screenplay at the Omaha Film Festival recently.
A director/producer and actress/producer team from Mexico, who was attending the festival, were at the script’s reading and ended up buying the script. Mad Rush is now in pre-production in Mexico. It should be completed this fall for submission into other film festivals.
She also wrote a short film called The Headliner that was produced locally and was accepted into the Omaha Film Festival as well.
Christine, who will graduate in the fall of 2018, is currently on
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