Derek Babb, M.A., M.Ed.
Kiran Bastola, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Information Science and Technology
Doctoral Program Chair, Ph.D. BMI
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
dkbastola@unomaha.eduMartina Clarke, Ph.D.
Kate Cooper, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Chair, BIOI, CYBR, and ITIN
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
kmcooper@unomaha.eduDalton Ellis, M.S.
Joel Elson, Ph.D.
Matthew Feilmeier, M.S.
Ann Fruhling, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Information Science and Technology
Doctoral Program Chair, Ph.D. CIS
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
afruhling@unomaha.eduDivija Gadiraju, Ph.D.
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
dgadiraju@unomaha.eduRobin Gandhi, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research, Technology, and Facilities
Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor
Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
College of Information Science & Technology
rgandhi@unomaha.eduDario Ghersi, M.D., Ph.D.
Ryan Grandgenett, M.S.
George Grispos, Ph.D.
Matt Hale, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Chair, MS CYBR, ITIN, BMI
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
mlhale@unomaha.eduGreg Hoff, M.S.
Yonas Kassa, Ph.D.
Bill Mahoney, Ph.D.
Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics
wmahoney@unomaha.eduSayonnha Mandal, Ph.D.
Charles Nicholson, M.S.
John Rogers, M.S.
Ada-Rhodes Short, Ph.D.
Ishwor Thapa, M.S.
Christine Toh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Service Learning Academy Faculty Fellow
School of Interdisciplinary Informatics