Below are common questions asked regarding FUSE and GRACA awards.
How will my FUSE or GRACA proposal be evaluated?
Proposals will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the program and guidelines. Proposals not adhering to the guidelines will not be considered for funding.
I submitted my proposal. When will I find out if I will receive funding?
There is no set review date, but we estimate that proposals will be reviewed within 30 working days of submission. During times of higher volume, turnaround times may be longer. Regardless of when the proposal is funded, no funds will be released until students attend a mandatory orientation meeting, sign and route a contract, and submit any necessary compliance approvals. Stipend funds are only released May, June, July, and August OR February, March, April, and May for students graduating in the Spring semester of the current academic year.
I am interested in applying for a research award. However, the project I am considering doing is a bit large for a single individual to complete. I was wondering if it was possible for a team of three students to apply for the award and each student to be eligible to receive funding?
It is often the case that a particular research project is part of a much larger research investigation. However, FUSE and GRACA are structured to fund one student/one project. One possibility would be for the three of you to identify three projects that complement one another (one for each student), and then apply separately. Note that each proposal will be reviewed separately and will need to be stand-alone. There will be no advantage (nor disadvantage) conferred on your project because it is part of a much larger-scale investigation.
When should I start the IRB application process?
You should start the process as soon as possible. The IRB process takes time. In the past, there have been students who received internal funding and were not able to begin their project because they did not obtain IRB approval in time. Approval must be received by May 1. Failure to submit approval by May 1 will result in forfeiture of your award.
Can I get Independent Study credit for my project?
No, you cannot receive academic credit for any FUSE or GRACA project.
Can a student have more than one faculty mentor?
Only one faculty member can be identified as a "mentor" to work with the student and must meet the guidelines. However, others may assist the student on the project.
Can graduate assistants serve as FUSE mentors?
What needs to be included in my timeline?
- Start and end date
- Week-by-week description of activities
- Stages, steps, or phases to your project
- External deadlines or constraints that may influence your project
Also, consider whether or not your timeline is realistic.
How do I acknowledge the FUSE or GRACA grant in a paper for a technical workshop or conference?
Please use: The University of Nebraska at Omaha Office of Research and Creative Activity
If I am unable to present my project at the Research and Creative Activity Fair (RCAF), what should I do?
An essential part of research and creative activity is dissemination. This is why presenting at RCAF is a requirement. If for some reason, you are unable to present at RCAF, you will need to disseminate your project through a journal article or professional organization presentation, with the outcome of this dissemination reported back to your mentor and the Office of Research and Creative Activity.
Budget Questions
What do I need to include in the Budget Justification?
A budget justification explains why each item in the budget is needed to accomplish the scholarly work proposed in the project description. It is important to make certain that everything included in the project description that requires funding is listed in your budget and is explained in your budget justification.
May I include the purchase of a laptop in my budget?
If you request any equipment, you must explain why existing UNO equipment and resources (such as the library and information services rental programs) are not sufficient. The laptop and other items you purchase with FUSE or GRACA funds are property of UNO and will remain at the university after you complete your project.
There are books I need for my project, and the Criss Library does not have them. Can I include funds to purchase those books in my budget?
Purchasing books for your project because Criss Library does not own them is allowable, but we encourage students and faculty to exhaust all other potential resources first. In most cases, the Library can order/purchase the books you need within two weeks of your mentor's request. Your mentor will work with their department's library liaison to do this. The Library also has a Special Loan Privilege form that you and your mentor can complete in order for you to keep a check-out book longer than the usual loan period. Learn more about the Library's Special Loan Privilege.
Can I use my funds to purchase gift cards to compensate participants in my study?
Yes. However, you may only use your funds to purchase cards if you have final approval from the IRB to do so. You will need to upload not only your IRB approval letter into MavGrants, but also your IRB protocol authorizing the use of gift cards. The title on the protocol and the letter must match the title of your funded project.
It looks like I won't use all of my material and supply funds. Can I move that money over into my stipend?
No. You may not rebudget from your materials/supplies, operating costs, or travel budget to your stipend (or the reverse) after you are awarded. Rebudgeting within the materials/supplies, operating costs, and travel categories are acceptable with written permission from your mentor and approval from the Office of Research and Creative Activity.
May I decline the student stipend and devote the entire award to the project budget?
Yes. If the entire award amount is needed for project expenses, the project budget may exclude the student stipend.
Will a FUSE or GRACA award affect my financial aid?
We cannot speak to specific situations, but strongly recommend that you contact Student Financial Services if you are concerned. 402.554.2327 or
Tax document for currently funded FUSE and GRACA students
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