Applying What You Learn
We believe in helping you develop useful, real-world skills alongside the sense of fulfillment and enrichment that a major in Latino/Latin American Studies can provide.
We also believe in making you aware of the knowledge and skills you're developing along the way so that you can capitalize on your strengths in the marketplace, graduate school, and in life.
Knowledge & Skills Gained as a Latino/Latin American Studies Major
Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the social, economic, political, and cultural forces shaping the experiences of diverse Latino and Latin American populations and their communities in the United States and throughout the Americas.
Ability to become a problem-solver, team player and ethical professional ready to meet the challenges of globalism and conducting business across borders and cultures
Ability to design and conduct research related to Latino/Latin American Studies
- Capacity to articulate critical issues associated with Latino populations and Latin American societies regardless of career focus
The OLLAS Job Credential
OLLAS offers what 21st-century employers want and what the world needs:-
Individuals who are knowledgeable about local Latino cultures and issues while understanding the global contexts which influence them today.
Professionals with increased proficiency in languages as well as excellent writing and critical thinking skills.
Problem-solvers, team players, and ethical professionals ready to meet the challenges of the dynamic changes taking place in the 21st century here and abroad.
Individuals ready to continue their learning process beyond a bachelor’s degree.