Suicide prevention is a shared campus responsibility.
Anyone can help prevent suicide by learning the risks, warning signs, and how to intervene. The UNO Gatekeeper Program is designed to help the UNO community prevent suicide by teaching faculty, staff, and students how to recognize signs and how to intervene in a crisis.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call 402.554.2409 and after-hours, press 2. You may also call or text 988 or text the word "START" to 741741.
Suicide and suicidal behaviors are major concerns for colleges and universities. Suicide is a leading cause of death among college and university students in the United States. The most powerful strategy to help combat suicide risk in college is to create a campus culture where suicide prevention is a shared campus responsibility and all members of the campus community work together to create a culture of caring and support.
We believe that through University Gatekeeper Program (UGP) trainings we can reduce the stigma of mental illness, particularly surrounding suicide and depression.
For other ways to get involved in Suicide Awareness and Prevention efforts, volunteer or participate in the Out of the Darkness Walk each April. For more information, visit: AFSP Campus Walks.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
"This is a moment in time in which we rally the public to create awareness of this leading cause of death, and inspire more and more people to learn how they can play a role in their communities in helping to save lives." — American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Join us this month in spreading awareness!
University Gatekeeper Program Training
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University Gatekeeper Program (UGP) Suicide Prevention Trainings
Suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings are intended to provide general information to help reduce suicide risk through a training program specifically designed for individuals who are not trained and who are not licensed mental health professionals.
The Gatekeeper Training* aims to help increase knowledge and awareness of suicide risk and inform attendees on college and community resources.
*A Gatekeeper Training is not a clinical mental health training. It does not teach suicide assessment or intervention strategies, nor is it a comprehensive training on suicide risk.
Who Can be UGP Trained?
UNO offers training to all students, faculty, and staff.
How long is a UGP Training?
Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Trainings are 105 minutes in length. The University Gatekeeper Program also can offer a tailored version depending on the needs of the group or organization requesting training. It is highly encouraged to complete the 105-minute training. All students, faculty, and staff can benefit from learning skills to help someone in crisis.
Want more information about the training and UNO’s resources? The University Gatekeeper Program (UGP) also offers a 15-minute informational session.
Sign up or Request a UGP Suicide Prevention Training
During the fall and spring semesters, trainings will be offered at regular intervals. Trainings are slightly more limited during the summer and available by request.
For more information about attending and/or scheduling a training, email