General Information
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are currently in the process of reviewing and updating these guidelines. New information will be posted shortly.
The CECE exam is the required comprehensive exit exam for students in the CHMC concentration (M.S.) who were admitted to the department as a degree seeking student during or after the spring 2015 semester.
Students in the CMHC concentration admitted prior to Spring 2015 and taking the thesis option (M.A) are required to complete only the CPCE and not the written exam.
- Students in the CMHC concentration who were admitted prior to Spring 2015 and completing the non-thesis option (M.S) are required to complete both the CECE and the written exam.
The comprehensive (exit) exam requirements for students admitted as degree seeking students prior to the Fall 2017 semester in the school counseling concentration are the portfolio and written exams.
- Beginning Fall 2017, the CECE exam will be the comprehensive (exit) exam requirement for students admitted as degree seeking students in school counseling.
Students completing the Student Affairs concentration (SAHE) will complete a written case study for their exit exam. Students should coordinate with their advisor at the beginning of their final semester to schedule this exam.
Comprehensive/Exit Exam: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
The Counselor Education Comprehensive Examination (CECE) is the required comprehensive (exit) exam for all clinical mental health students (M.S.). The CECE is a valid and reliable exam that is widely used among graduate counseling programs as a comprehensive/exit exam.
The CECE covers the eight common core curriculum areas as defined by CACREP as common-core areas in their Standards for Preparation.
*Students should refer to the Student Handbook for additional important details regarding the CECE, including CPCE registration.
What happens if I don't pass the CECE?
- If a student scores one standard deviation below the national “cut score” on their first attempt, the student must re-take the CECE exam and score at or above the national “cut score”. If the student plans to graduate the following semester, the CECE should be taken the following semester.
- The UNO Counseling Department may allow a second administration of the CECE exam with the student responsible for all costs incurred by the department.
- A passing score at or above one standard deviation below the national “cut-score” on the second administration of the CECE is required for graduation.
- A student who fails the second CECE exam will be required to re-take the exam the next semester it is offered by the Counseling Dept.
- Because the CECE and the National Counselor Exam (NCE) are based on the same 8 core areas designated by CACREP, students are encouraged to take the NCE soon after successful completion of the CECE.
The department will not provide permission for students to register for the NCE unless the student, minimally, has registered for the CECE at the appropriate time at the appropriate time in their plan of study (i.e., semester of 8250 minimally, semester of 8260 preferred).
Comprehensive/Exit Exam: School Counseling (admits prior to Fall 2017)
Students in the SC concentration will complete a written comprehensive exam during the COUN 8330 Fall semester. The exam will require two essay questions covering the ASCA Model components and strategies for implementing a school counseling program, along with the personal and professional philosophy of SC.
The essay exam requires candidates to demonstrate mastery of CACREP standards throughout the ASCA National Model components. Questions will be scored by a team of faculty and part-time instructors with specialties in school counseling.
When graded, the department chair will notify the student via electronic mail stating the student’s pass/failure/rewrite status.
- Students who fail one question on their written comps will be required to re-write this question during the same semester.
- Students who fail more than one question on their written comps will be required to do a complete rewrite in order to graduate.
- Students who fail a portion of the exam are required to rewrite failed question(s) during the same semester.
School Counseling students will also complete an electronic portfolio capstone project during the COUN 8460 Spring semester. This is an ongoing project with final submission for approval by March 15 during the semester you are enrolled in Advanced Internship.
NOTE: The Praxis II Professional School Counselor Content Area is a state of Nebraska requirement for adding the school counseling endorsement to the teaching certificate. The Praxis II is not a requirement for completion of the UNO Counseling Degree. You should check with the Department of Education in states outside of Nebraska if you are considering relocating out of state for employment.
Comprehensive/Exit Exam: Student Affairs in Higher Education
Students will respond to a case study related to a specific situation that may occur on a college campus. This take-home exam will be completed early during the student’s final semester in the program. Please contact your advisor prior to the semester you intend to graduate to set up this exam.
Students will be provided an exam packet with a case study (each examinee will receive a different case), directions for the exam (see Handbook Appendix), and questions to be addressed. Students will be given 4 weeks to complete this exam before it must be returned to your advisor, along with all original exam materials.
The exam will be evaluated by UNO counseling department faculty and part-time instructors in the SA concentration. Once graded, the student will meet with their advisor to review the results. Students will receive one of the following initial scores: Pass, Fail, or Pass with Revisions.