Localist is the official University-sponsored event calendar tool and is administered by the Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications (MarComm) Digital Team.
Localist easily integrates with our existing website through widgets and is optimized for sharing events across various communications mediums, including email and social media.
This tool is user-friendly and allows you to:
- Create, publish, manage, and promote your events
- Share event registration information
- Increase awareness of your events and engagement with your audience
Localist Training
While training is not required for this user-friendly platform, reference guides are available for Event Admins, who manage calendars and approve event submissions, and Event Users, who submit events for approval. Submit a Digital Services Request to receive the guides and/or get Event Admin access.
Request Localist Event Admin Access
Structure and Roles
Each college and the over-arching administrative unit is designated as a "Department" within Localist. Departments and sub-units are called "Units" in Localist. Each Localist Department has at least one Event Admin, who manages that Department's calendar and approves event submissions to go on that calendar. Event Admins are able to publish events without approval. Event Admin rights are assigned by the MarComm Digital Team.
All others are considered Event Users, who are able to submit events for consideration. Submissions are approved by Event Admins and/or the MarComm team members. Event Users permissions do not have to be "turned on" by the MarComm Digital Team. Simply log in with your NUID and password and you can submit an event for approval.
The MarComm team determines which events are featured in the calendar homepage slider and the university's homepage.
Best Practices and Tips
- Sizes: The Localist-recommended image size is 940 x 557 pixels. Localist displays photo for individual events, featured events, and the event listing page differently. So be sure not to have any graphics or text close to the margins, as you run the risk of important information being cut off in certain views within Localist.
- Photo Library: If you do not have a photo for your event, may use any images in the Photo Library. Those are available to you to use as you wish.
- Photo description: Make sure you write a photo description, as this is the spot for alt text. Those who are blind or visually impaired will be read the alt text so they know what the image looks like. The alt text for all photos will default to blank, so you must manually enter text when you insert a new photo.
User Calendar
Each user, whether you are submitting events or not, can create their own calendar within Localist and set reminder notifications. To access the calendar, simply login, use the dropdown to navigate to your Dashboard, and then click on the "My Calendar" tab at the top.
- Add events: In order to add events to "My Calendar", click the smiley face or "I'm interested" button on an event.
- Default calendar: "My Calendar" defaults to showing only events for the current month. Use the filters to change the date range to view other events.
- Reminders: To receive reminder notifications to events you have added to "My Calendar", use the dropdown to navigate to "Settings" and then choose the "Communications" tab. You may then customize your notification preferences.
- Event description: As noted during training, remember to put two returns in between paragraphs in the Description box to ensure proper spacing.
- Locations: Localist allows you to type in an "Event Place" name and address. However, all UNO-owned locations have been pre-loaded into Localist. Please use the pre-loaded options when your event is held at a UNO-owned location. If your event is hosted elsewhere, you can still type in the name and address.
- Registration link: If your event requires registration, be sure to include the registration link in the "Registration URL" field. This will allow visitors to
Need more help? The MarComm Digital Communications team is happy to answer any questions or provide calendar guidance! Contact us with your Localist questions and concerns.