Herb Thompson III
- Communication, Assistant Professor
General Information
Herb L. Thompson III is an assistant professor in the School of Communication at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). He holds a Ph.D. in Human Sciences with a Leadership Studies specialization from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Herb’s research priorities are inclusive communication & leadership practices, mentorship, and intergroup dialogue.
Teaching Interests
Intergroup Dialogue, Public Speaking, Communication for Identity, Cultural Communication and Diversity, Communication Style, Leadership Studies
Research Interests
Inclusive Communication & Leadership, Intergroup Dialogue, Intercultural Communication, Mentorship Strategies
Service Summary
His service includes a faculty mentorship program at UNO and helping to establish a new Intergroup Dialogue curriculum for UNO’s School of Communication.
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Thompson, Herbert, Matkin, Gina. 2020. The evolution of inclusive leadership studies: A literature review, Journal of Leadership Education, 19, 3, 15-31.
Thompson, Herbert. 2021. Making Sense of Inclusive Leadership in Public Higher Education: A interpretative phenomenological analsys, Proquest.
Thompson, Herbert. Congruence: Communicating with Others, University of Nebraska Lincoln (OER), 34-49.
Thompson, Herbert, Guo, Lei. 2022. Finding Focus in Faculty Mentorship: Expectations and Aspirations on Diverse Campuses, The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 6, 15, 142-152.