Plan for Your Future
A Pre-Health advisor will provide accurate information and help students determine and evaluate academic and career goals.
Advising in the HCRC
The goal of advising in the HCRC is to help you, the student, be the most competitive applicant you can be for the healthcare program of your choice.
We can assist you with career exploration, course planning, extracurriculars, shadowing, volunteering, obtaining patient experience, test prep, study skills, and so much more. Schedule an appointment with us today!
Advising Appointments
In order to best serve our students, the HCRC offers in-person and ZOOM appointments. Appointment types and times vary per advisor, per day.
- Appointments: Appointments are required (except for drop-in advising) and can be made on MavCONNECT. Please ensure you pick the correct appointment type when signing up on MavCONNECT: In-Person or ZOOM. Students may also make an appointment by phone or email by contacting or 402.554.5980.
- Drop-In Advising during fall and spring semesters: Drop-in advising is held in-person and via ZOOM for minor advising needs. Zoom drop-ins are temporarily on hold. Drop-in advising is not available during the summer.
- Advising Holds: Students who are not enrolled in a 4-year program such as pre-nursing, pre-dental hygiene, pre-medical imaging, etc. can meet with an HCRC advisor. Other Pre-Health students must also meet with their program or major advisor.
- Prepare for Your Appointment: Plan for an advising meeting to last about 30-45 minutes. Students should prepare specific questions to make the most of their time with an advisor. If the meeting is to discuss future course schedules, students should review the course catalog and have courses in their shopping cart.
- New Students: Students new to UNO must complete Orientation and become familiar with the many resources offered to students before meeting with an HCRC advisor.
- Prospective Students: Visit Future Students to learn more.
Drop-In Advising for Fall and Spring Semesters
The HCRC will host drop-in advising this Fall and Spring.
- Regular Drop-In advising will be held every Tuesday & Wednesday from 12 P.M. to 2 P.M. in-person (Health Careers Resource Center - 307 Allwine Hall) and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 402 554 5980).
- Extended Drop-In Advising Hours: Monday, March 31 - Thursday, April 3, 9:00-11:00 A.M. and 12:00-2:00 P.M.
- Drop-In advising is first come, first serve, and is intended for current students with minor advising needs (15 minutes or less). For needs that are longer, please schedule an advising appointment.
HCRC Advisor ZOOM Information
If you have a ZOOM Appointment scheduled with a pre-health advisor but are unsure of your advisor's ZOOM information, you can find ZOOM information below:
Advisor | ZOOM Link | ZOOM Meeting ID |
Lyndsey Rice | | lyndseyrice |
Mike Gutierrez-Madrigal | | 912 783 0605 |
Leanna Hyatt | | leannahyatt |
Gaby Rodriguez | | 971 089 4025 |
Eternity Gines | | 717 944 8468 |
Sierra de Koning | | 419 948 9605 |
Drop-In Advising | | 402 554 5980 |