Multidisciplinary Emphasis, Competitive, Research Intensive

Alanah Mitchell was working at an e-Commerce company and earning her master’s degree when a door opened to a world she didn’t know existed.

Olimpiya Saha knew she needed to get more research under her belt before she could pursue her career in the tech industry. She found herself at IS&T, and on her way to her dream job.

Abhishek Tripathi grew up in one of the world's oldest cities before enrolling at IS&T. His journey to launch his career began with a passion with higher education and a chance meeting halfway across the world
The Ph.D. program in Computing & Information Science at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is a research-intensive, multidisciplinary program focused around the core areas of computer science, management information systems and interdisciplinary informatics.
Our vision is to become one of the top programs that offer a doctoral degree in information technology, both in terms of scholarship and the placement of our graduates. The program admits exceptional students that have demonstrated a strong foundation in the core areas with high potential and commitment towards future academic achievement and success.
- Understanding of the theory and application of information technology focused around the core areas of computer science, management information systems and interdisciplinary informatics
- Knowledge of the analysis, design, development and implementation of current and future information technologies
- Competence in conducting and managing high-quality, basic and applied research
- Solid grounding in the fundamentals of academic teaching
- Strong foundation in multidisciplinary and emergent areas in information technology
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of a Ph.D. in CIS:
- Students will be able to interpret and synthesize research literature from multiple areas of the IT discipline.
- Students will be able to identify open research questions and design appropriate approaches to investigate them.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to contribute to scholarly literature.
- Students will be able to effectively engage students in learning about IT content.
Applied Research
Faculty members are very productive in their research and compete for funding from competitive sources such as the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense. Most faculty conduct research in one of the three disciplines (computer science, management information systems, interdisciplinary informatics) that comprise our program.
Within these areas, research interests include: artificial intelligence, data and text mining, software engineering, biomedical informatics, cybersecurity, data analytics, database management, IT infrastructure and many more.
Recent Placements
Our Ph.D. graduates generally enter the workforce in one of two areas: faculty jobs or industry. Teaching experience gained during the PhD program helps many of our students secure faculty positions at a wide variety of institutions.
Recent graduates from our program have taken up faculty positions at institutions like Ball State University, the University of North Florida, St. Ambrose University, and Appalachian State University.
Our graduates have also had success, taking in dustry posts at organizations such as LG, Paypal, Union Pacific, Intel, NIST, and Argonne National Labs.