A variety of resources are available at UNO for support of student research. A good first step is to talk to your advisor or faculty mentor. Some support may be available from your major department.
Campus-wide Support
UCRCA - University Committee on Research and Creative Activity
Both undergraduate and graduate students may apply for grants up to $500.
FUSE - Fund for Undergraduate Scholarly Experience
Apply for a grant of up to $4,500.
GRACA - Graduate Research and Creative Activity
Apply for grants up to $5,000
Graduate Studies Student Research Travel Support
Apply for travel support up to $500.
College of Arts and Sciences Support
Student Research Travel Support
The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences offers up to $500 per academic year to students seeking financial assistance for student presentations at academic conferences. Eligible students include those officially enrolled in a College of Arts and Sciences’ major, minor, certificate, or degree program. Additional funds may be available for international travel.
Funding from the Dean’s office is based on availability and is restricted to transportation or conference registration costs. A contribution from the student’s home department and the department chair’s signature indicate the department’s support.
All requests must be submitted and approved by the Dean’s office prior to your trip. No funding will be provided by the Dean’s office after the trip has occurred. Please attach a description, no more than one page, of your research project, your goals for this trip and an itemized budget for your travel. If you are traveling with another student and sharing costs, please turn your requests in at the same time.
Please submit all requests to the Dean’s office, ASH 280. If approval for funds is given, an email will be sent to you. Upon your return from the conference, a one to two page summary MUST be turned in to the Dean’s office within 30 days for your reimbursement from the Dean to be processed. Within 60 days from the last day of your trip, you will be required to complete an expense voucher and submit original receipts to your department’s Staff Assistant. Please check with your department Staff Assistant for the proper forms and procedures for reimbursement.
Application: PDF
Please email unocasdean@unomaha.edu with questions about student travel.
Social Sciences Research Commons
The Social Science Research Commons (SSRC) is a space for students, faculty, and community members to build opportunities & support networks for interdisciplinary research. Located in Arts & Sciences Hall (ASH) 304, the SSRC is an initiative of the social sciences to promote academic partnership and collaboration by offering a network of support for UNO/UNMC students and faculty as they work to master critical research tools and methodologies.