IS&T Mavericks are thought leaders, innovators, and news-makers. We'll be updating this page monthly with media stories featuring IS&T faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

- NPR NET showcases an iPad app IS&T students helped develop that lets glaucoma patients reflect what they see and what they do not.
- WOWT interviews Dr. Kiran Bastola and how his food computer could help end food insecurity in Omaha and beyond.
- Reuters Health Information covers an iPad app our students in the Attic group (aka CMIT labs) built for "glaucoma patients to self-characterize their visual perceptions with the right eye, left eye and then both eyes."
- The Daily Record: UNO Receives $100,000 Verizon Grant to Boost Workforce
- Omaha World-Herald covers our newest grant from Verizon: UNO Gets Grant for IT Pathways
- The University of Missouri highlighted new funding for the CHAOSS, Dr. Matt Germonprez is a co-founder of the open-source community health project.
- KNEB covered the new Counterterrorism, Terrorism Prevention Research Center in which Dr. Doug Derrick will lead Innovation and Transition research.
- Los Angeles Times celebrated how Omaha invests in itself, including the innovative renovations at the Peter Kiewit Institute.
- Facebook highlighted Jorge Grimaldo for his work with Developer Circles. Grimaldo is a master's student earning his IT Innovation degree.
- NSRI welcomes the Interdisciplinary Team to Strategize NU's NC3 Contribution
- NSRI announces several IS&T students as interns to help refine cyber, nuclear wargame
- KETV covered the work IS&T's bioinformatics lab is doing in monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak.
- KMTV spoke with Dr. Kate Cooper on how bioinformatics can help predict where disease spread can happen, and guide communities to protect themselves.
- NET names Dr. Sachin Pawaskar's project with the Department of Defense, CoRA, as one of the best stories from 2019.
- Fox42 spoke with Dr. Deepak Khazanchi on how the Iowa Caucus' app failed, and how companies can help prevent these situations by testing thoroughly.
- KNEB covered the $36 million grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, Office of University Programs where Dr. Doug Derrick will lead the Center’s Innovation and Transition portfolio.
- Silicon Prairie News speaks with Computer Science major Zander Gibney, and his work with the Scott Scholars.
- KETV highlights several students in our programs, citing collaboration and innovation as unique attributes of IS&T.
- The Omaha World-Herald editorial board praised our partnership with Sarpy County, and how the dashboard is a great example of how the University's talents help our state.
- The Bellevue Leader covered our partnership with Sarpy County to implement a visual dashboard fueled by 911 call data.
- Midlands Business Journal talked to our faculty about artificial intelligence.
- EPSCoR Nebraska highlighted a multi-state research collaboration that Dr. Parvathi Chundi is working on. The team will be building the Biofilms Data and Information Discovery System.
- KETV highlighted work the MIS Capstone class did with Sarpy County. Initiated by Dr. Kerry Ward, the Capstone class worked with 911 call data to create a visual dashboard to help the department make more data-informed decisions.
- KMTV spoke with Matt Hale, Ph.D., assistant professor of cybersecurity within UNO’s College of Information Science and Technology, about privacy concerns stemming from the popular FaceApp smartphone application that has recently taken social media by storm. Pictures taken using the app show what the subject of the photo would look like in old age, but Hale says that the fun features of the app require a major compromise of privacy.
- The Omaha World-Herald covers the University of Nebraska at Omaha's efforts to create a STEM center, which will involve several IS&T faculty.
- KMTV reports on UNO students' project to design kiosks that will turn Aksarben into a "Smart City".
- The Omaha World-Herald covers Dr. William Mahoney winning the Nebraska University's Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award
- NET covers CoRA, a software developed by Dr. Sachin Pawaskar to help more fallen soldiers' remains be identified.
- The Omaha World-Herald covers opportunities for young students to learn about iSTEM in Techademy.
- UNO Magazine covers IS&T's project with the DPAA that helps identify the remains of U.S. soldiers.
- UNO Magazine profiles IT Innovation alumni Rachel Ostrander Brownlee and her company MooManager, an agricultural software that provides ranch management software to cattle ranchers.
- Dr. Doug Derrick’s work with the Department of Defense highlighted during Nebraska University’s President’s Halftime Show
-MDJ Online covered a game that teaches programming to teenagers, and an event at which UNO graphics and gaming professor Dr. Brian Ricks spoke at.
-MSN covered the discovery of the remains of military servicemen from WWII with the help of an algorithm developed by the University of Nebraska-Omaha.
-University of Nebraska-Lincoln engineering faculty Daniel Linzel and Chungwook Sim and UNO's Robin Gandhi join forces to innovate on the monitoring of rural bridges.
-UNO's The Gateway covered UNO student Ryan Ehrlich, who uses DNA to study infectious diseases.
-From WOWT News, victim of web development scam received help from UNO cyber security instructor Chris Danielsto to create her online business.
-KMTV News covered the GenCyber Camp at UNO.
-UNeMed covered UNO's capstone program working with UNMC investors to drive innovative IT solutions to some of the world's leading healthcare problems.
-Fox 42 News interviewed UNO Cybersecurity professor Dr. Matt Hale about how thieves can use BlueTooth to hack your device.
-KIOS: UNO College of IS&T and the Department of Defence POW/MIA Accounting Agency collaborate to identify the remains of WWII US military personnel.
-Today's Omaha Woman wrote an article about Shonna Dorsey, vice president of community engagement, marketing and member services at AIM Institute. Dorsey graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2003 and a Master's in Management Information Systems in 2010 from UNO.
-Fox 42 News posted an article about protecting your cell phone number. UNO Cybersecurity Professor Matt Hale provided expert insight.
-AIM Tech held an awards ceremony at the Omaha Design Center. UNO IS&T student Evan Welsh and IS&T educator Jeremy Harris Lipschultz were recognized.
-NCWIT Pacesetters interviewed Dr. Hesham Ali, Dean at UNO's College of IS&T, about the college's approach to advancing women in the field.
-KIOS News interviewed Assistant Professor of IS&T Dr. Matthew Hale about the importance of being careful on social media.
-UNO IS&T Professor Dr. George Grispos was interviewed by KMTV News about the dangers of dating apps.
-For Cyber Security Awareness Month, KIOS interviewed Dr. Matthew Hale, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity at UNO.
-UNO's Cybersecurity program was awarded National Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations by the National Security Agency.
-KVNO News interviewed Dr. Sajda Qureshi, Graduate Program Chair and Professor at UNO's College of IS&T.
-KIOS interviewed Dr. Deepak Kazanchi, Associate Dean of IS&T, about IS&T's workshop offerings.
-The Omaha World-Herald: ACI Worldwide held their Coding for Girls Camp at the Peter Kiewit Institue at UNO.
-The Omaha World-Herald: UNO pledged to add 80 credentialed K-12 computer science teachers in Nebraska and was applauded by the White House.
-KIOS covered IS&T's hosting of the 2016 International Conference on Web Intelligence and the International Conference on Brain Informatics & Health.
-KMTV News covered UNO's Techademy summer camp program, where students from the College of IS&T teach middle and high school students about tech.
-KMTV News wrote about UNO's Codecrush program: a camp run by UNO's College of IS&T in which 8th and 9th grade girls learn about and create technology.
-WOWT 6 News highlighted UNO's Techademy summer camp for middle and high school students.
-The Omaha World-Herald posted an article about UNO Graduate Ebrahim Abdulsattar and his surrogate grandmother Ila Dean Horn.
-Military Times listed the top ten Cybersecurity programs, one of which is the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
- Associate Dean of UNO's College of IS&T, Deepak Khazanchi, wrote an opinion article for the Omaha World-Herald about the IT talent gap.