In order to best teach writing to the UNO and UNMC communities, the Writing Center asks writers to keep in mind the following policies:

Before Appointments
- Writers may have up to four hours of writing consultations per week in hour or half-hour increments; writers needing additional time should ask a consultant. We are happy to extend more time to writers that will use it productively
- Arrive on time for appointments; if more than five minutes late, you may lose your appointment to another writer
- For online appointments, please be logged on by the time of your appointment. If you are having trouble connecting, email or call us at 402.554.2946
- Cancel appointments you cannot keep. To cancel, log in to our online schedule and click on your appointment. Scroll down and click “CANCEL THIS APPOINTMENT.” You may also cancel by emailing or by calling 402.554.2946
- When you do not cancel, you are a “no-show” for that appointment. After three no-shows, our scheduling software prevents you from making appointments. To reinstate your privileges, contact the director of the Writing Center, Dr. Travis Adams
During Appointments
- Writers must be present and active during all Writing Center consultations; we do not offer drop-off editing services
- Silence your cell phone and be considerate of your writing consultant and others in the Writing Center
- Writing Center consultants cannot help with take-home exams unless the student has received the instructor’s permission
- Have access to assignment prompts, samples, textbooks, and whatever other material you may need
After Appointments
- Sessions are confidential; reports are sent to instructors only when requested by the writer
- If you want a session report sent to your instructor, provide your instructor's email address
- Please complete the feedback survey delivered via email following your appointment. Your anonymous feedback helps consultants and the entire center improve
- You can access recordings of online sessions by logging into our scheduling system and re-joining your session. These recordings are often quite helpful during the revision process