The Leonard and Shirley Goldstein Center for Human Rights

Our first Human Rights Forum of the semester is coming up. Register for this event and others on our events page.

Dr. Lana Obradovic has been selected as the new Goldstein Family Community Chair in Human Rights

Dr. Saltamacchia is using a unique educational pedagogy for courses she regularly teach at the Omaha Correctional Center

Check out the 'Document Our History' Podcast Blog to learn more about their work to combat sexual and gender-based violence
A nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization that promotes the understanding of human rights issues through teaching, research, creative activity, and community engagement.
The Leonard and Shirley Goldstein Center for Human Rights was established in January 2018 in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Center is faculty governed, student centered, and community engaged. It is composed of over thirty affiliated faculty from five Colleges at UNO.
The Goldstein Center for Human Rights is the product of a decades long partnership between the Goldstein family and the Religious Studies program at UNO.