Engaged, Responsible, Committed to Security

Since its founding in 2001, the Nebraska University Center for Cybersecurity (NebraskaCYBER) has helped improve cybersecurity awareness locally, regionally, and nationally. The collaborative efforts of faculty, students, and community partners have earned UNO the distinction of being named a Center of Academic Excellence by the National Security Agency (NSA).
The National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) program is managed by the National Security Agency's National Cryptologic School. The NCAE-C program has designated UNO as a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO).
To receive these designations, the cybersecurity program at UNO successfully completed respective Program of Study validations. A Program of Study is a series of courses and experiences that a student can reasonably accomplish in the course of attaining a degree at UNO. To receive the special designation in Cyber Operations, students must follow the program of study found here.
NebraskaCYBER engages in timely and relevant research, and our interests are as diverse as information assurance is vast. Some popular, ongoing research areas are:
- critical infrastructure protection
- applied encryption
- secure software development
- reverse engineering
- digital forensics
Our Security Technology Education and Analysis Laboratories (STEAL) are isolated from the rest of the Internet, allowing for experiments in a secure environment.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds the Scholarship for Service (SfS) program, which grants tuition and fees plus a stipend to students studying information assurance or a related field. In exchange, students intern with a qualified agency and accept a job at such an agency upon graduation.
Established in 2011 NULLify, the Cybersecurity Security Student Group at UNO has competed in numerous CTFs ranging from international competitions to locally hosted (UNO-based) competitions. Competitions utilize skills such as programming, vulnerability discovery, exploitation, reverse engineering, social engineering, and so forth. Visit the NULLify Webpage for recent information about the meeting schedules and cyber competitions.
Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Cybersecurity degree program at UNO is composed of alumni, friends, businesses, corporations, and foundations. Current members of the CAC include representatives from OPPD, NSRI, Conagra, Fiserv, Kiewit Construction, Orion, NU ITS, Gallup, Union Pacific, Metro Community College, Northeast Community College, Bank of the West, FNNI, and FBI.
The University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
HLC is a highly respected, long-standing accreditor of post-secondary/higher education institutions. UNO has been accredited continuously by HLC (and its forerunner, North Central Association) since 1939.
*The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) can be contacted at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604; Phone: 800.621.7440/312.263.0456; Fax 312.263.7462; Email: info@hlcommission.org