General Information
Dr. Deepak Khazanchi is Professor of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Executive Director of the University of Nebraska Center for Management of IT (includes the Attic lab), and Director of the Executive Master's of Science in IT (EMIT) degree program. His research interests include fast response virtual teams, applied machine learning, perceived fairness of AI/ML systems, mixed methods, virtual work using emerging technology capabilities such as Metaverses, IT project management, B2B risk in extended enterprise environments, and the application of philosophy of science in computing disciplines.
Teaching Interests
Managing in a Digital World, IT Strategy, Research Methods, Mixed Research Methods, IT Teaching & the Profession, Philosophical, Ethical and Pedagogical Issues in IS.
Research Interests
Fast response virtual teams, applied machine learning, perceived fairness of AI/ML systems, mixed methods, virtual work using emerging technology capabilities such as Metaverses, IT project management, B2B risk in extended enterprise environments, and the application of philosophy of science in computing disciplines.
Service Summary
Dr. Deepak Khazanchi has served on several University of Nebraska, University of Nebraska Omaha, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of IS&T, and ISQA department committees including the UNO General Education committee, Chancellor Search Committee, and the Graduate Council. He is actively engaged with the community in Omaha and Nebraska and is the primary creator of a private grant funded program for 8th/9th grade female-identifying students called CodeCrush. He also created and manages the iSTEM after school program offered at middle and elementary Omaha Public schools through funding from the Collective for Youth. Dr. Khazanchi is engaged with a number of universities around the world including participating on the Planning and Monitoring Board of JSS Academy of Teaching and Research (Mysuru), Executive Council of Bennett University (India), and has been a visiting professor in Norway, India, China and Austria. He has worked with several nonprofit organizations in Omaha including participating as a member of the Boards for the Refugee Empowerment Center Omaha and Benson Theater. He is a current member of the advisory board for the Collective for Youth and the Board of Trustees of Brownell Talbot Preparatory School.
Awards and Honors
Fulbright Specialist, Scholarship/Research - 2014
Ph D, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA., Management Information Systems, Statistics and Statistical Methods; Finance, 1991
MBA, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, USA, Finance, 1988
Other, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, Civil Engineering, 1981