Handling an emergency can be stressful. Follow these guidelines to be better prepared.
How to Report and Emergency
If you are a witness to or are a victim of a crime, Public Safety is available to assist. If you are aware of an emergency situation please report any information you have to Public Safety.
Emergencies requiring police, fire, or medical aid should be reported by calling Public Safety at 402.554.2911.
Blue Phones are located throughout campus and may be activated by simply pushing a button. This will connect you with a Public Safety dispatcher who will provide assistance.
When to Call
Crimes in progress and crimes that have just occurred should be reported immediately by dialing 402.554.2911 or 911.
Whenever possible, please have the actual victim or witness of the crime call directly.
First-hand information is always more accurate and complete.
What to Say When You Call
The dispatcher will ask a series of questions and have officers respond to the appropriate area. Listen carefully to each question and try to answer it as best as you can. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so.
Typical information the dispatcher may ask you includes:
- Where did the incident occur? Include building and room area.
- How long ago did the incident occur?
- Give a brief description of what occurred.
- Did the suspect(s) have any weapons?
- Where and when was the suspect last seen?
- Which direction was the suspect headed?
- Was the suspect on foot or in a car?
- What did the suspect look like (gender, race, age, height/weight, hair color/length, clothing, glasses, facial hair)?
- Was the suspect carrying anything?
- Vehicle description, color, make, model, and license plate
How to Report a Non-Emergency
Non-emergency calls may be reported by calling Public Safety’s main desk at 402.554.2648.
- Use U-Tip to report suspicious activity or concerns.
- Threatening behavior should be reported to Public Safety as soon as possible.
When to Use U-Tip
Using U-Tip is an application of the UNO Alert system, but registration with UNO Alert is not required to use the system.
You can use the service to report suspicious activities seen on campus, including theft, vandalism, drugs, domestic disputes, and disorderly sports fans.
U-Tip can also be used to help prevent crimes on campus by reporting incidents before they escalate and by helping Public Safety spot suspicious individuals. U-Tip is not anonymous.
Follow these steps to use U-Tip:
- Enter 79516
- In the text message type: UNO911 (your message here). An example of the text content might be: UNO911 possible car break-in west of DSC"
- 1 is UNO's campus identifier. It is essential that you provide a space between UNO911 and your text message for the message to get routed to UNO Public Safety.
This message is sent directly to Public Safety and appropriate action will be taken immediately.